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Soldiers and mermaids
Soldiers and mermaids

I think I'd be different if God hadn't violated me!

GET ME A w a y

A w a y

from the Seamans church

If I'll be all knowing
that the men are marrying the mermaids
shot into the sea
the mermaids getting the men, and loosing their toes...
watered down woes of shell touching brutes/

but did you ever see a boatman take off his boots?

And so with bandages on my knees
I'll be carrying the boatmens wives dainty feet

I'll learn their secret ways by instinct and watching,

the Seaman, who'll always give me time to comb my hair

then march me in, to the chapel of my molestation
suited and booted


 to take on a temporary role

bare bossomed blood bank

make her walk the plank, make her walk the plank!

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