

In your room I am a nude land whale. 
Dressed in jersey, stretched over skin, tightly, clinginly to fleshy bits and bulges.
In your room I am a whale. 
I take up space. I make a mess of your visual. I contaminate your area code.
And I am nude. My flesh makes a mess of you. 
Too much too soon. I whale about hoping to swim unclumsily to you.
But its all a bit too true. Skin don't make for a clean front room.
And then I come to surround you. And the nudes too raw to direct you.
So after a moment your through.

A refusal to yield

A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
A refusal to yieldA refusal to yield
Such little investment there, such pitiful investment.


The Renouncer

The renouncer – what does the renouncer do ? He strives for a higher world, he wants to fly further and higher than all affirmers – he throws away much that would encumber his flight, including some things that are not valueless, not disagreeable to him: he sacrifices it to his desire for the heights. This sacrificing, this throwing away, is now precisely what alone becomes visible in him and leads people to call him the renouncer, and thus he stands before us, shrouded in his hood as if he were the soul of a hairshirt. But he is quite satisfied with the impression that he makes on us: he wants to conceal from us his desire, his pride, his intention to soar beyond us. Yes, he is cleverer than we thought, and so polite towards us – this affirmer! For he is just as we are even in his renunciation.

The Gay Science Nietzsche